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The Bible Truth About the Rapture


See more posts by William Earnhardt

“Two men will be working together in the field; one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be grinding flour at the mill; one will be taken, the other left.” Matthew 24:40-41 NLT

Many people have used this passage to suggest a secret rapture, where people will suddenly just disappear and be taken to heaven. Growing up, I occasionally saw bumper stickers, warning that in case of rapture this car will be unmanned. But when you read this passage in context you will see no hint of a secret rapture. 1 Unlike the secret rapture theory, the Sabbath is found in the Bible and has been taught and observed in the Bible and throughout history. The secret rapture was never taught before 1830 and is not found in the Bible.

Let’s take a look at the entire context of the passage in Matthew 24. 

“When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. In those



days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes. “Two men will be working together in the field; one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be grinding flour at the mill; one will be taken, the other left. Matthew 24:37-41 NLT 

In the days of Noah the people who were swept away or “taken away” as other versions describe, were the wicked people, not the righteous. Jesus tells us it will be the same when He comes. So the ones taken in the field and at the mill are not the righteous, they are the wicked! They are taken away from the presence of the righteous and destroyed, just like in the days of Noah. So, Jesus is telling us that two men will be in the field; one will be taken and destroyed, just like the tares that are bundled up and destroyed in Matthew 13:30 while the wheat remains in the barn. By saying the other man is left, Jesus means that man is left alive and not destroyed. In Matthew 13:38 Jesus says the field is the world. That tells us that the one who is taken is destroyed while the one who is left inherits the new earth. (See Matthew 5:5 and Revelation 21:1-5.)

When you read Matthew 24:37-41 as it reads, there is no hint of a secret rapture. After all, when the wicked were swept away in the flood that was no secret. The whole world at that time saw what was happening. The eight who remained and took over the earth knew what was going on the whole time also. There were no secrets either way.

Far from being a secret the entire world will know. 

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. Revelation 1:7 NKJV

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NKJV

Yes there will be a rapture when we are taken up, but it will be no secret. Why is it so important that everyone sees Jesus coming instead of the righteous just secretly disappearing? There are many reasons, but I am sure that Satan does not want to have to face the music. He would rather avoid that confrontation when Jesus comes as King of kings and Lord of lords. But there is no avoiding it. One day, 

As I live says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God. Romans 14:11 NKJV

When the great controversy is finished, the entire universe will declare that God is love. And that is a truth that Satan would rather cover up and keep secret, but he won’t be able. The whole world will see Jesus coming, and He will take home with Him all those who have accepted His love into their lives. Let’s accept Him into our hearts now so that we will greet His coming with joy. 


16 comment(s) for this post:

  1. Paul Blanke:
    09 Jun 2016 We have read questions that were asked by the Disciples in Matthew 24:3, and the answers were completed in Matthew 26:1. An enormous amount of prophetic time and territory. While mulling over much of what has been discussed, I wondered what was the purpose of the questions and answers by the Disciples. If they could have seen, or been made aware of first hand, rather than prophetic information, wouldn't that be more beneficial that what 22/20 vision provides? the answer that came to my mind was, the Disciples recorded most of information found in the four Gospels and Jesus made use of it all as He saw fit. We still being human think like humans and questions regarding the unknown will be asked like most humans.
  2. Don Litchfield:
    10 Jun 2016 I believe you are right about the one that is left being the righteous one Luke 17:35-37 is even more explicit with a question from the disciples added with Jesus' answer as to where the ones who are taken will be taken. He says that their bodies will be where the Eagles are gathered together. If you've ever seen big birds gathered around a body you know what has happened to the life of that body. He's probably talking about the wicked that are slain by the brightness of His appearing when every eye shall see Him.
  3. Linda [Full name please]:
    10 Jun 2016 When I read the SDA Bible commentary on these verses it completely disagrees with what you are saying about who was taken and left though it explains that it will not be a secret rapture.
  4. Walter O. Pearson:
    11 Jun 2016 Thank you William. You have indeed expounded on a text that has been a perplexity to many including Seventh Day Adventists. You have given a very clear direction on this matter and I thank God for you. It has widely been believed that the "taken" are taken to heaven and the "left" are the evil awaiting destruction whereas the truth is the opposite. It has been a challenge to me to find the right way to explain this text and am glad finally the Spirit has led you to explain it so perfectly. Thank you and may God continue to bless you through Christ our Lord and Savior.
  5. Bothwell Watadza:
    11 Jun 2016 Hi Linda indeed the SDA bible commentary says its the righteous taken and the wicked left. This they arrive at because the greek word used on the verse which says "the flood took them" is not the same greek word used on the verse which says "one will be taken..."
  6. Maurice Ashton:
    11 Jun 2016 You are indeed both correct in what the SDA commentary says. However, some ministers have indeed used the same interpretation as William. I am not a Greek Scholar but I know enough about linguistics to be aware that figures of speech and colloquialisms can be ambiguous. Irrespective of the exact interpretation, the "Taken and Left" indicates a division between the prepared and unprepared, and there are other passages of scripture that clearly indicates what happens to each. What we sometimes overlook in all of this is that the lesson of the parable is that Second Coming is unexpected and sudden. I get the feeling that even those who are prepared for it will be very surprised when it happens.
  7. Bothwell Watadza:
    12 Jun 2016 Many thanks Maurice for sharing.
  8. Nonad Coralde:
    12 Jun 2016 Thank you Elder Walter for this clarification. I also believe 100% that the "taken" are the lost and the ones that remain or "left behind" are the ones who are saved. I believe every post is shared to clarify things and not confuse. So if there's one thing I hope will come out clear from this post, is that we all agree that the rapture is not secret and the lost were "taken" away and the saved are those that "remained". Can you imagine if you still agree with the idea that the ones who are remaining are the ones who are "lost"? Then you are actually believing on the theory of the secret rapture because that is exactly what they preach. But don't take my word for it, ponder on these two texts about the remaining and the taken away, and ask yourself which one really fits the lost and the saved. “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭17:36-37‬ ‭KJV‬ I have to add, when the disciples asked, "Where Lord?", they are obviously asking where will the "taken away go?". They are not asking about the ones that remain because they know exactly where the remaining people are, either in the field in the case of the men and in the case the women, in the grinding place. Jesus answered "where the body is, there will be the Eagles also". Pardon me for sounding rude but in modern language, It simply means that the taken will be bird food.
  9. Bothwell Watadza:
    12 Jun 2016 Hi Nonad, when you get chance have look at the exposition in the SDA Bible Commentary on these text and see how they arrived at the conclusion that the saved are the ones taken. In any case Jesus is speaking in parabolic language. And we can not come up with a dogmatic conclusion based on figurative and elegolic passages only. Even without the "taken and left" passage we have many other texts to prove there is no secret rapture. The one thing we can agree on is Jesus is teaching there will be two groups on the last day. have a blessed week.
  10. William Earnhardt:
    12 Jun 2016 You are absolutely right Bothwell. Like you say, and either way you take the text as far as the taken and left, it still says nothing about it being a secret.
  11. William Earnhardt:
    12 Jun 2016 Thank you all for your insightful comments!
  12. Nonad Coralde:
    13 Jun 2016 The post is entitled "The Truth About the Rapture". Again, we all agree that the Rapture is No Secret. It will be sad to stop on that and we be not agreed about the truth of rapture in terms of who is Saved And who is lost: the Taken or those who remain? "Those who remain will be caught up in the clouds and will be with Jesus forever". Those who are taken will be "bodies where the Eagles are". The truth about the Rapture is that the second coming is Visible and Audible, it is no secret; the taken are the lost ones and the ones remaining are the ones who are saved. The bible explains itself. The SDA Bible Commentary is not the Bible, it is a commentary. God forbid that you wish to be "taken first" during the second coming, you are going to be part of the wrong crowd.
  13. Bothwell Watadza:
    14 Jun 2016 Thanks Nonad, By pointing to the commentary I was asking us to consider the text in the original language. This I believe must be done to a certain extent to come up with Bible truth.
  14. Paul Blanke:
    15 Jun 2016 William, I am glad for that last comment. I take it to mean, what is the purpose for the belief or the discussion? The bottom line is what ever your persuasion is, the end will come and you will be in it. 1tThess 4:17.
  15. Paul Blanke:
    15 Jun 2016 I think we need to back up a bit to Luke17:20,21. Jesus didn't answer that question directly. Jesus in fact tells the Pharisees in Luke 17:22,23 they will not see and then he continues with what I would classify as diversion, and continues to verse 37. There is no secret to 1Thess.4:15,17.
  16. Jim bob:
    16 Jun 2016 The majority of those SDA polled in the SDA global data project (2011-2013) think that the end of the world(2nd coming of Jesus)would not take place within 20 years. (45% strong, 15% stronger than weaker) Sure,some of these responders will not be around to see if they are correct because they will pass away for whatever reasons. What are the factors for this majority? How do you react to hearing this survey result when so many church pastors & leaders input..."Jesus is coming soon"?

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